Personal Locator Beacon Campaign Update and Application Process
Updated Winter 2025
NLFHSA is leading TWO campaigns to help put Personal Locator Beacons in the hands of fish harvesters.
​1. The Fishing Vessel Safety Designate (FVSD) Program - The NL-FHSA officially launched a free online safety training program in late December 2023. Fish harvesters who complete the training may be eligible to apply and receive 5 land-based credits with the PFHCB and a free PLB, while supplies last!* Once the training is complete you will be sent an application package.
2. The PLB Campaign - The Coalition (NL-FHSA, PFHCB, FFAW & FRC) is offering PLBs to fish harvesters at a subsidized cost. A McMurdo Fastfind 220 PLB, normally sold for $427, can be purchased from NL-FHSA for $195.50 while supplies last!*
* PLB recipient must be registered and in good standing with the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board (PFHCB) in order to receive a PLB through one of these initiatives.
To submit an application to purchase a PLB, click on the link below. In the PDF file you will find an application form for a Personal Locator Beacon, a Canadian Beacon Registry form, and a sample Canadian Beacon Registry form.
Testing and Activating Your Personal Locator Beacon
Watch below as fish harvester Jim Chidley demonstrates how to test and activate your McMurdo Fast Find 220 PLB!