News and Updates from the NL-FHSA
Find news and updates about projects, information, events, and more, on this page!

For the first time, the PLB campaign is now open to owner/operators AND crewmembers wishing to purchase PLBs at a subsidized cost.
A limited number of PLBs are available for purchase.
To place your order, complete the forms found on our PLB Campaign page!

This may be your last chance to purchase a
Personal Locator Beacon at 60% off the purchase price!
A limited number of PLBs are available for purchase.

Learn more about the importance of Emergency Distress Signalling and the campaign to put PLBs in the hands of fish harvesters here.

Click here to download a printable version of of our safety activity book for kids—Safety Starts With Me!

Watch the NL-FHSA's video about evaluating the risk and impact of occupational noise exposure for fish harvesters here.

Watch the NL-FHSA's video about identifying and controlling the risks of occupational noise exposure in the fishing industry here.

The Transportation Safety Board's 2020 watchlist identifies eight key safety issues that require government and industry attention. The video is featured here.

Listen to executive director, Brenda Greenslade, discuss safety initiatives in a FFAW webinar here.