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Clarification of PFD Requirements - From Transport Canada (April 2019)

Fishing Vessel (Any Length/Tonnage) Fitted with Life Jackets

Vessels must have a Transport Canada Approved PFD, also with Canadian General Standards Board CAN/CGSB-65.11-88 rating

   Needs to have:

  • Highly visible colour (if inflatable, internal bladder needs to be highly visible, external doesn’t have to be)

  • Retro-reflective tape 

  • Whistle, fitted (can be added after if needed)

It is still required to carry life jackets when vessel is over 12m in length and operating beyond 25nm from shore.


Fishing Vessel (under 12m/within 25nm from shore) NOT fitted with Life Jackets

Vessels must have a Transport Canada Approved PFD, also with Canadian General Standards Board CAN/CGSB-65.11-88 rating

   Needs to have:

  • Highly visible colour (if inflatable, internal bladder needs to be highly visible, external doesn’t have to be)

  • Retro-reflective tape 

  • Whistle, fitted (can be added after if needed)

  • Minimum 100 newtons of buoyancy



Regulation Highlights


Life-saving/Safety Equipment - New and Existing Fishing Vessels

The safety equipment requirements are determined by the vessel’s hull length, operation, and type of voyage. Personal life-saving appliances and visual signals are required for all small fishing vessels, according to their hull length. Different requirements apply to small fishing vessels that have a hull length of more than 6m, more than 6m but not more than 9m, more than 9m but not more than 12m, more than 12m but not more than 15m, and more than 15m.


Life rafts and other life-saving appliances on small fishing vessels are required according to the class of voyage and hull length and provide a range of life-saving appliance choices. The requirements for firefighting equipment are based on vessel hull length. Different requirements apply to small fishing vessels that have a hull length of not more than 6m, more than 6m but not more than 9m, more than 9m but not more than 15m, and more than 15m.


The following is a link to the specific requirements, based on your vessel’s length and type of voyage. Click on the vessel that applies to you:

All Vessels – Limited to sheltered waters or maximum 2 miles from shore

12m or Less (39’4”), NC2 (Maximum 25 miles from shore)

More than 12m (39’4”), NC2 (Maximum 25 miles from shore)

12m or Less (39’4”), NC1 (More than 25 miles from shore)

More than 12m (39’4”), NC1 (More than 25 miles from shore)

Summary for all vessels/distances from shore


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