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The Fishing Vessel Safety Designate Program
The Fishing Vessel Safety Designate (FVSD) training program is a free online course which has been developed by the Newfoundland and Labrador Fish Harvesting Safety Association and commercial fish harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The course includes 11 modules and 6+ hours of content tailored to the unique safety challenges in the fishing industry, and features real fish harvesters from across the province. This course meets provincial training requirements prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Upon completion, fish harvesters will receive certification as a Fishing Vessel Safety Designate for their vessel, and 5 land-based education credits with the Professional Fish Harvester Certification Board (PFHCB). The FVSD training approved by WorkplaceNL consists of a combination of videos and questions developed by the
NL-FHSA. The training is a way for fish harvesters to learn how to address safety concerns relevant to their industry; to understand the role and responsibilities of the Fishing Vessel Safety Designate; as well as earn a certificate for completing the FVSD training.
The first 1000 professional fish harvesters to complete the FVSD training and receive their certificate will receive a free Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)! PLB recipients must be currently registered with the PFHCB to receive a PLB through this offer. Available only while supplies last.
For a guide on how to start the training, please open our Learner's Guide PDF linked below.
If you are ready to start right away, click the button below to begin!
What is a Fishing Vessel Safety Designate?
A Fishing Vessel Safety Designate is a designated member of your crew who is responsible for monitoring the health, safety, and welfare of the people employed on their vessel. This also applies to harvesters who fish alone. In other types of workplaces, this role may be referred to as the Workplace Health & Safety Designate, Worker Health & Safety Representative, or here may be an OH&S committee. It is stated in the Occupational Health and Safety Act that workplaces in Newfoundland and Labrador depending on the number of workers employed, are required to have an Occupational Health and Safety Designate/Representative or committee.

Did you know?
The provincial government requires Owner/Operators with less than six workers employed on their fishing vessel, to identify a Workplace Health and Safety Designate.

Why is the role of Fishing Vessel Safety Designate important?
Being a Fishing Vessel Safety Designate is more than just a title. We all have an obligation to safety no matter our title, but it is the responsibility of the Fishing Vessel Safety Designate to address safety concerns, take part in inspections, promote health & safety programs, monitor occupational health & safety activity, and more.
The name of the Fishing Vessel Safety Designate is posted in a prominent place at the workplace so fellow crewmembers know who to come to with safety concerns.

Did you know?
The Fishing Vessel Safety Designate can be the Owner/Operator or a crewmember.
Why should you take the Fishing Vessel Safety Designate training program?
There are many reasons why fish harvesters should be interested in taking the FVSD training!
The training is specific to fish harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador
The training is relevant to fishing vessels and crew of all sizes
The training is relevant to both inshore and offshore fishing
Fishing enterprises depending on the number of persons employed, are required to have either a safety designate, safety representative, or safety committee
Fishing enterprises are required to meet certain safety requirements by the Canada Shipping Act
The training is free, it's available online, and accessible to fish harvesters 24/7 via their smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer
The first 1000 fish harvesters to receive their certificate will receive a free Personal Locator Beacon while quantities last
Completing the training will award you five (5) land-based education credits with the PFHCB
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