AED Draw Recipients
The initiative to equip fishing vessels with AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) for improved preparedness for marine cardiac emergencies began in 2018. In the winter 2019 issue of The Union Forum, the NL-FHSA issued a call for expressions of interest from fish harvesters working in NAFO zone 2J3KL who were interested in obtaining an AED for their fishing vessel. With the support of One Ocean and thanks to the generosity of the Hibernia Management Development Company and their partner The Heart and Stroke Foundation, 100 AEDs will be provided to those fish harvesters who expressed their interest in this initiative.
To be included in the draw, fish harvesters had to apply and meet the following eligibility criteria:
Hold a current professional fish harvester certificate in the under 40’ and over 40’ fleet with an active groundfish license for 2J3KL
Agree to attend AED training delivered by an approved training provider
Agree to pay for the maintenance, inspection, and battery replacement of their AED
There were close to 200 applications, but as only 100 AEDs were available, names were selected by the NL-FHSA in a random draw with the support of the PFHCB and the FFAW/Unifor. In a separate agreement between One Ocean and ExxonMobile, an additional five AEDs were allocated to Ocean Choice International vessels and were not part of the draw.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation will be contacting the recipients individually to make arrangements for the delivery of their AED.
The following is a list of the recipients of the AED draw
Rom Dalton
Oswald Genge
Donald Coish
Jamie Seymour
Jamie Caines
Harold Williams
Terry Bowers
John Short
Reg Butler
Corey White
Jamey White
Rodney Mercer
Josephine Power
Nelson Taylor
Jason Hopkins
Juanita Miller
Derek O'Brien
Bill Hayden
Samuel Morris
Peter Hammond
Calvin Pickett
Earle Stone
Edward Cadwell
Dennis Chaulk
Gilbert Cadwell
Roger Winsor
Guy Greenham
Clifford Kenny
Loyola Kavanagh
Barry Kavanagh
Wade Dwyer
Chris Bath
Roy Ward
Charlie Worthman
Jason Burton
Kim Tuck
Joseph Sullivan
Wayne Hearn
Greg Piercey
Keith Smith
Jarvis Ward
Gordon Rice
Victor Morey
Terry King
Jason Gray
Dwayne Skinner
Terry Morey
Junior Ward
Trevor Jones
Craig Ryan
Chester Davis
Thomas Pye
Edwin Power
Rosalind Rumbolt
Roderick Pye
Robert Robinson
Wade Mouland
Craig Clarke
Christa-Lee Bath
Carl Hedderson
Gerard Grace
David Johnson
Paul Squires
Chad Payne
Todd Chafe
Michael Power
Eldon Petten
Nelson Bussey
Ivan Lear
Dale Kennedy
Victor Sampson
Doyle Penney
Eldred Burden
Wayne Freeman
Jim Chidley
Rodney Rowe
Byron Oxford
Rodney Burton
Ralph Rice
Davey Patey
Stanley Rumbolt
Chris Rose
Steve Ryan
Shawn Ralph
Raymond Noonan
Stephen Rowe
Roy Mangrove
Terry Baines
Kyle Anstey
Morris Anstey
Paul Snow
Paul Abbott
William Newell
Jeff Newell
Alvin Thorne
Henry Thorne
Nick Waterman
Terry McCarthy
Jeffrey Randell
Lawrence Mitchell
Admiral's Beach
Anchor Point
Baie de Verde
Baie Verte
Bartlett's Hr
Bay Bulls
Brigus South
Bristol's Hope
Burgoyne's Cove
Cape Broyle
Cape Broyle
Cartwright, Lab
Charlottetown, Lab
Charlottetown, Lab
Charlottetown, NL
Charlottetown, Lab
Deer Lake
Goose Cove
Green's Hr
Hant's Hr
Harbour Grace
Harbour Grace
Heart's Content
Heart's Content
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
La Scie
L'anse aux Loup
Lodge Bay, Lab
Lower Island Cove
Mary's Hr, Lab
Mary's Hr, Lab
Middle Arm Green Bay
Musgrave Hr
New Melbourne
Nipper's Hr
Noddy Bay
Old Perlican
Old Perlican
Old Perlican
Petty Hr
Point Lance
Port de Grave
Port de Grave
Port de Grave
Port de Grave
Port Hope Simpson, Lab
Port Hope Simpson, Lab
Port Hope Simpson, Lab
Port Rexton
St. Anthony
St. Anthony
St. Anthony
St. Anthony
St. Brendan's
St. John's
St. John's
St. John's
St. Lewis, Lab
St. Margaret's Bay
Upper Island Cove